This section is dedicated to those who didn’t find an answer to your question while navigating through OJ portal and to those who are eager to get as much knowledge and advice from our experts as possible.
We are proud to say that we have the very best personnel who have dedicated all of their life to offshore oil & gas industry. Most OJ Experts are still working offshore and hold top positions with the world’s leading offshore oil & gas companies.
When it comes to giving advice, their experience & professional background serves as the source of information for dealing with any issue.
Our expert team is happy to share their knowledge and experience, so if you feel that you need some consulting, help or advice, do not hesitate to ask us.
Please bear in mind that your question has to be within “subject” criteria and it takes up to 10 days for OJ Expert to give you a valuable response.
for various Offshore jobs.
at various locations around the globe.
job contracts via our system.
Quick & Reliable reply, individual answers on any questions, 100 % guarantee of satisfaction, 100 % money back guarantee if your question is not answered as you have wished.
Have you gone through all Professional Expert Help & Consulting menu and still looking for answers? Then this section is created to give you Advanced Help, here you can ask our Experts any question that is on your mind, any help or advice you might need.
Important! Please note, that only one question can be asked per 1 request, and only 1 question will be answered by Offshore Job Experts.
Complete response will be given to you via e-mail, please select one of the options bellow.